Platypus Tours

Lake Elizabeth is home to a colony of one of Australia's most interesting animals - the platypus!

Otway Eco Tours (not Forrest Guesthouse) have been providing guided tours of Lake Elizabeth by kayak for over 18 years, They have a 95% success rate for sighting platypus. They run dawn and dusk tours, the times vary throughout the year according to sunrise and sunset.

You meet your guide at the Forrest Brewery and drive in convoy to Lake Elizabeth. From there, you walk into the lake together which takes about half an hour. After that, it's into the kayaks for a peaceful and gentle float around the lake in search of the platypus. These shy creatures surface every minute or so for air, and patience is required to track them and edge closer.

Bonus Glow Worm Tour at Dusk

Aside from not being a morning person, another reason for choosing the dusk option is that you might get to see glow worms! A bit of a misnomer, these are actually the sticky threads of the larvae of a fungus gnat. Tiny bright spots of a blue/green light are sprinkled in the wet, vertical surfaces alongside the trail. By turning off the torches and allowing your eyes to adjust to the darkness, these sparks of light almost appear like a galaxy of stars before you. Lots of fun for kids... and adults!

Book Now with Otway Eco Tours 0419 670 985

Tours run at dawn and dusk, when the platypus are out looking for food.

For more information, visit 


call +61 419 670 985